School And Education? Who Needs Them?

By Matthew Smith

We have been told year after year that an education is important. Is it really? Do you know why? At our math comic strips web site we deal with this question quite a bit. In this article we will be focusing on why it's important for our children to get a good education.

Knowledge is power, or so the saying goes. When you graduate from school, whether it be elementary, middle, high, college, or university, you are giving yourself power over your future. You have many more options in regards to what type of job you can hold, where you can live, and what $$$ you can make. Some jobs do provide "on the job" training, but most employers won't even consider your application if you don't have the minimum educational requirements.

Resourceful human beings are people who have a good grasp of knowledge and education. None of us know everything about everything, but a well-rounded education equips us with a background that we will be able to employ in any situation that we find ourselves in. Let's illustrate this point with a little example. Suppose you know how to tell time. You acquired this knowledge and education at some point, and have been successfully able to tell time on your own personal watch. Let's suppose you left your watch at home. What do you do now? Well, this education helps you to be resourceful, and you will be able to tell time on any watch or clock that you find around you at the time. This is a very basic example, but you get the point...

A greater quality of life often comes hand-in-hand with a well-rounded education. When the economy starts to turn down, people get laid off, and it's often those who lack education who get laid off first. It's hard to keep up your quality of life when you have no job. Even worse, people who lack in education often have a harder time finding a new job.

Understanding often goes "hand-in-hand" with a great education. Suppose you are on a trip to Europe, France to be more specific. You may never have been to France before, but by educating yourself and studying about this country while at home, you will have a deeper understanding of France, and the French, before you even set foot in Europe.

A well-rounded education can provide you with tremendous networking opportunities. Perhaps you have heard of the saying "birds of a feather flock together"? Having a good education means that you will meet more "birds" who "flock around" similar places and jobs. They will know when jobs open, and who you should contact. This will come in handy when you need to get that "foot in the door".

When you are educated you tend to be more fun to be around. Suppose someone brings up a topic at the dinner table that is rather obscure. With a well-rounded education you will be able to jump right in and offer your opinion. If you didn't have this knowledge you would be "like duh". Wouldn't it be great to be able to make new friends and acquaintances in this way?

So there you have it, just a few ways in which education is important. Education can come in various forms, and one exciting way we are exploring on our math comic strips web site is the education of math skills to children via comic books. If you would like to learn more, we welcome you to navigate over and visit us... - 33394

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